Hi Everyone, I have been very busy over the past month. I think I made a new record at completing 4 new house and building them at the same time. I had a goal to get them done before December 1st and so that they could be part of a sales video with a shop that I work with here in Denver. It took about 39 days total, but about 30 days of real work, working on building the Winter Snow Chateaus which I have listed one after another which this one it the Chateau La Ruby, the Next is Chateau La Forest, then Chateau La Fir and Chateau La Sunshine. I lots count of all the hours and late nights staying up late to complete for the show. This was my second attempt at making the snow for these house, which the beginning of this year was my first attempt when I made 3 Snow Tudor Houses. Its alot of work to create the snow and all the ground polystyrene but I think that I get a pretty realistic snow look. I just wanted to hurry and get these houses posted before I leave on vacation. Have a wonderful month. Stan

( Greggs Miniature Imaginations ) ( Ever After Cottages )..... Contact me at ( stancssi@yahoo.com ) for any questions. My blogsite is dedicated to my love of creating miniatures, and miniature houses made from cardboard and paper mache clay, and from my unstoppable imagination and love of miniatures.