Friday, May 31, 2024

2 Brick Cottages

 Just finished 2 new brick Cottage houses.

The yellow one is "Penny Lane Library Cottage" Named in honor of my twin sister who has read more books than I could in 10 lifetimes.  

The second house is called "Lady V's The Book Readers Cottage" 

Which you can see the full detailed videos of each on my Instagram account

Have a wonderful month. I hope they inspire. 

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Twin Gothic Houses

Hi Everyone I just spent 2 months creating 2 twin Gothic Houses for my upcoming show at the Dallas Miniature Showcase Sales Show in June. 
There is a video of these 2 house inside and out on my Instagram page.
I hope they inpire you and have a wonderful month.
Instagram Website


Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Ever After Cottages 4 Completed

"The White Violet Cottage"
Hi Everyone, I took almost a year off due to working on restoring this 150 year old Victorian house we bought in Illinois.

Plus, I had lost all inspiration to create miniatures. I then attended the Dallas Miniature Show and was re-inspired to create again. In which I loved it so much I plan on selling at next years miniature show there In Dallas. Since it's closer than driving back to Denver the only place that I've sold in public  before. 

I just finished 4 houses working on them at the same time. I was able to complete them in about 14 days for each house. Which I started about 73 days ago and about a few weeks off with a day off here and rest. Again they are made out of thick cardboard and papermache clay for the thick bricks & stucco areas. 

I am starting to post almy of my work now on Instagram it's under-

I'm posting there now so that I can download videos of each house which videos will not download here.

Have a wonderful month.


"The Pink Rose Cottage"

"The Blue Bell Cottage"
"The Sky Blue Cottage"


Thursday, August 25, 2022

McGreggor Castle Cottage



Hi Everyone, It has been almost a year since I have been able to work on creating more miniature houses.  I ended up selling my house in Denver Colorado and ended up buying a 148 year old Victorian house in Jerseyville Illinois.  It took me 6 months to find it on Zillow for something we could afford. But we have spent the past 5 months fixing it up and it is spectacular huge house with an 8 car garage and work shop and a huge office building that I turned into an Art Studio. 

I have been wanted to create a new name for the line of houses I plan on creating from here out and the new name is ( Ever After Cottages ) by Stan Gregg Miniatures. 

This one I call McGreggor Castle Cottage.  It took me the longest to build since I only worked on it in my free time and took about 1 1/2 months and about 80 some hours which I lost count.

I spent 2 days alone creating the landscaping and interior floral arrangements and in the future want to do more floral covered houses.  I liked creating this using $ Store flowers and mini trees and creating ivy vines using twine and glue and green powder to make a more realistic looking tree and vines.  

I hope you like it and it inspires you to create.