Hi Everyone this month I was inspired to create a Gothic Stone Mansion. It all started with a lady contacting me on wanting to purchase a building a created for next years sales show and talking about mini mansions for the Denver Miniature Shows coming next month in which the shows title is Mystery Mansion. Which instantly inspired me to create this Gothic style miniature stone looking house. I was so inspired i worked on it for 7 days and about 40 to 50 hours to completion in which i loose track of time and worked on it in all my free time. I think this one is one of my favorite looking stone exteriors i have done so far. The walls are about 1/2 to 1/4 inch thick with the paper mache clay i use. Plus the slate tile roof is made out of lost of the hard cardboard i use. I actually think this is my new favorite house I have created just because of the different techniques i did to create the stone exterior. It took three days for the paper mache stones to dry but i never stopped working since i could work a little on the interior stuff like creating the electrical and the artwork or cutting Popsicle sticks to create the flooring. It will still take probably another month for the paper stone to completely dry internally, but i truly love using the paper mache i turn into clay since it hardens like a rock. I hope you like my newest creation. I was in a rush to create this one so i could display it in next months exhibit room at the Denver Miniature Show. I created lots of famous artwork throughout the house in which i only spent about 2 hours creating them using print offs from my computer and some old pieces of wood which i rush through so my wood frames are not perfect but i am usually in a hurry to decorate the interior and if i have to spend to much time on certain things i couldn't price my houses as low as i do. So since the miniature shows theme is Mystery Mansion. Someone in my mansion has stolen famous works of art. But my brain is not smart enough at this time how to create and leave clues to who in the house stole the paintings. LOL i worked so hard building the house all my imagination for the small details left me. Have a wonderful month everyone. Stan